2 Types of Preparation for 1 Unique Experience
Spray Tan Session Prep
Whether you are following up on a previous spray or you are a first time customer, its always good to keep in mind these preparation techniques.
Special Event Spray Tanning
When booking for a special event like a contest or a wedding, remember these timeline techniques for a flawless spray tan to special day transition.
Spray Tan Session Prep
Step 1: Exfoliate your body
Shower and exfoliate prior to your spray tanning session using a loofa to remove dead skin cells. Be sure to scrub known dry areas such as neck, elbows, feet and ankles. Use shower gel and not bar soap (especially Dove soap). All lotions, perfumes, deodorants, previous bronzing, makeup or other toiletries must be removed from the skin before a session. Have all your spa services done before your appointment. We ask that if you wax, then that is done at least 24 hours before your session.
Step 2: Plan your outfit
We suggest that you wear loose dark clothing if possible to your appointment, or just after the tan if that is doable. Tight fitting clothes can hinder the results, so it would be best to bring a change of loose fitting clothes if you have to. We also recommend loose shoes or flip flops. We do not recommend sports bras or tight bras where the straps can’t be tucked in to avoid rubbing against your shoulders.
During your appointment attire is whatever you are comfortable with. Many things can be done to minimize tan lines. We do however, require all male clientele to wear underwear or a bathing suit.
Step 3: Pack the essentials
In case of inclement weather, as we are all used to seeing in Michigan, its good to have an umbrella to avoid getting wet after your tan.
A fresh tan on a hot day may cause your legs to sweat off onto your car seat, so if you ware worried about this, then be sure to bring a towel to sit on in your car for the way home.
Step 4: After your session
Plan not to get wet, exercise or perspire for 8 to 12 hours. After that time, the product can be showered off and normal activities can be resumed. You will feel a little sticky immediately after your tan until your first shower. This is normal. You will see some color washing off the first time you shower. This is just the surface color that was applied.
Your tan will last about 5 to 7 days (up to 10 days for some people) if properly cared for. We also sell after care products to help maintain and touch up your bronzing for an even longer lasting tan.
Last but certainly not least, give us a review or set up your next appointment, and the referral of friends and family is the highest compliment of all.
Wax 24 hours prior.